It goes like this: Japanese lyric - Translation. You should know how to
read hiragana and/or katakana before you read it.
White Reflection
Singer: Two-Mix
From: Ms GWing - Endless Waltz
I FEEL YOUR LOVE REFLECTION みつめかえす ひとみに えがいて はるかな 'NEVER ENDING STORY' かなしみも いたみも ふりきるように はばたく あなたが くれた つばさを この むねに ひろげて ああ かけがえたい あいの こどうを せつなく くるおしく かんじていたい I FEEL YOUR LOVE REFLECTION あつく ゆめを かさねて あやまち おそれずに もとめあう せいしゅん! I FEEL YOUR LOVE REFLECTION みつめかえす ひとみに えがいて はるかな 'NEVER ENDING STORY' あふれだす おもいを すはだで そっと つたえる やさしく なれる つよさを だきしめるみたいに... ああ はげしく ゆれうごく じだいを けだかく しなやかに こえていきたい I FEEL YOUR LOVE REFLECTION ゆるしあえる しんじつ くちづけ かわしたら もう なにも いらない! I FEEL YOUR LOVE REFLECTION あきらめない じょうねつ しんじて つらぬく 'NEVER ENDING STORY' I FEEL YOUR LOVE REFLECTION あつく ゆめを かさねて あやまち おそれずに もとめあう せいしゅん! I FEEL YOUR LOVE REFLECTION みつめかえす ひとみに えがいて はるかな 'NEVER ENDING STORY' |
I feel your love reflection On my eyes, which are staring back at you, please draw it, 'never ending story' waving your wings as if to get away from the sorrow and pain opening the wings that are given from you in my heart ah, I'm desperate to feel this heartbeat of love there's only one chance - madly, and desperately... I feel your love reflection Piling up our dreams passionately Our youth never fears mistakes - they just seek for each other! I feel your love reflection On my eyes, which are staring back at you, please draw it, 'never ending story' I passed my heart full of love with my bare skin... as if I had the strength enough to be gentle and kind Ah, how wonderful it would be to go over this swaying era as gently and softly as possible. I feel your love reflection The truth in which everything's forgiven. I needn't anything more but sharing kiss with you... I feel your love reflection the passion which never give up - it makes us believe and understand 'never ending story' I feel your love reflection Piling up our dreams passionately Our youth never fears mistakes - they just seek for each other! I feel your love reflection On my eyes, which are staring back at you, please draw it, 'never ending story' |
Gundam Wing ¨Ï Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency 1995 - 2001
Copyright ¨Ï Jenny Ko 2001