It goes like this: Japanese lyric - Translation. You should know how to
read hiragana and/or before you read it.
Last Impression
Singer: Two-Mix
From: Gundam Wing Endless Waltz
ことば より わかりまえる まなざしが そこに あれば ひとは みんな いきてゆける... まよわずに じゆうに... あやまちを こえて きずく ほんとうの やさしさ あなたと みつけたから あいと よべる つよさを...!! I BELIEVE YOUR LOVE ふるえながら くちずけに かさねた ねがい (あなたが いて...) (わたしが いる...) わすれないで いつも I BELIEVE YOUR DREAM つのる おもい いとしさを いのりに かえて この こどうを つたえたいよ あつく はげしく SO FARAWAY... あらそいあう だけじゃ えられない だれも...なにも... おさない てに さしのべたい- けがれの ない ときめきを おだやかに ときを きざむ こもれびの ぬくもり... だれもが いだたれたい ずっと きっと えいえんに...!! I BELIEVE YOUR LOVE あきらめない きつついた つばさ ひろげて はばたく そら かぎりの ない ゆめを えがく はるか... I BELIEVE YOUR DREAM えがお みせて せつなさが あふれ だしても かけがえない いまを いつか ほこりたいから... SO FARAWAY... あやまちを こえて きずく ほんとうの やさしさ あなたと みつけたから あいと よべる つよさを...!! I BELIEVE YOUR LOVE ふるえながら くちずけに かさねた ねがい (あなたが いて...) (わたしが いる...) わすれないで いつも I BELIEVE YOUR DREAM つのる おもい いとしさを いのりに かえて この こどうを つたえたいよ あつく はげしく SO FARAWAY... だいじな ひとの ために ながす なみだ いたみが せかいを つらぬき... だいちを ぬらす... この かなしみを とめたい!! I BELEIVE YOUR LOVE あきらめない きつついた つばさ ひろげて はばたく そら かぎりの ない ゆめを えがく はるか... I BELIEVE YOUR DREAM えがお みせて せつなさが あふれ だしても かけがえない いまを いつか ほこりたいから... I BELIEVE YOUR LOVE ふるえながら くちずけに かさねた ねがい (あなたが いて...) (わたしが いる...) わすれないで いつも I BELIEVE YOUR DREAM つのる おもい いとしさを いのりに かえて この こどうを つたえたいよ あつく はげしく SO FARAWAY... |
If there's a glance that's more understandable than words People would live care-free without losing their directions in life. Getting over our mistakes and being truly kind, I found with you -- this power called love!! I believe your love trembling... Piling our love together and sealing it with our kiss when there's you... I'm there also... always don't forget that. I believe your dream My intensifying thoughts I'd like to send you this heartbeat - which chance my love to prayer, hot and passionate- so faraway... There's no one, nothing that we can obtain with a battle I'm willing to pass it onto that little hand - this pure pulse heat of the sunlight through the leaves which engraves this peaceful time in my mind... Who wouldn't want to hold this moment - securely and eternally!! I believe your love Don't just give up Opening those scarred wings Fly into the sky - forever Portrait your dream over there... I belive your dream Show me your smiling face. Even though you sink in the floods of sorrow Someday you would want to be proud of this moment that can't be replaced... so faraway... Getting over our mistakes and being truly kind, I found with you -- this power called love!! I believe your love trembling... Piling our love together and sealing it with our kiss when there's you... I'm there also... always don't forget that. I believe your dream My intensifying thoughts I'd like to send you this heartbeat - which change my love to prayer, hot and passionate- so faraway... the tears shed for an important person to me The pain spreads out through the world soaking the ground - I want to give an end to this sorrow! I believe your love Don't just give up Opening those scarred wings Fly into the sky - forever Portrait your dream over there... I belive your dream Show me your smiling face. Even though you sink in the floods of sorrow Someday you would want to be proud of this moment that can't be replaced... I believe your love trembling... Piling our love together and sealing it with our kiss when there's you... I'm there also... always don't forget that. I believe your dream My intensifying thoughts I'd like to send you this heartbeat - which change my love to prayer, hot and passionate- so faraway... |
Gundam Wing ¨Ï Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency 1995 - 2001
Copyright ¨Ï Jenny Ko 2001