It goes like this: Japanese lyric - Translation. You should know how to read hiragana and/or katakana before you read it.

Second Impression
Singer: Two-Mix
From: Gundam Wing

いま きらめく かぜの なか
ゆびさき まで あいに
つつまれていたいよ そっと...

いつも どおり ふたり
なにげ ない いちにち
だけど ほんの すこし
こころ ときめいてる

たぶん きのう かたあもい だた
あの ごろの にっき
みつけた せいね.
こいで うめつくされてた PAGEに
いまでは ちょっと
てれ わらい だけど

いま しなやかな RHYTHMで
むねの なかに つづる
あなた への ことばは LOVIN' YOU...

いま まよわない ひとみで
あいを みつめてるよ
やさしく なれる から

とくに なにも ふたり
かわらない あすでも
きっと かまわないよ
えがお さがせるなら

うんめい らんより
しんじられるよ ね
ふたりの みらい
こいが しだいに あいへ かわる たび
しぜんな じぶん
ふえてる きが する

いま かぜに なびく かみ に
きれい だと おもえる
じぶんが すきだから

いま かざらない おもいで
ときを かさねたいよ
あなたが すきだから ONLY YOU

そう あなたに あの ひ
であえて わかった
つよさも よわさも
ほんとうの ほほえみも...

いま しなやかな RHYTHMで
むねの なかに つづる
あなたへの ことばは LOVIN' YOU...

いま まよわない ひとみで
あいを みつめてるよ
やさしく なれるから ONLY YOU
Now in this shining wind
I'd feel like covering gently
my fingertips with love...

As usual, it's just a normal day
with nothing special to both of them.
But a little bit, just a little bit
Their hearts are pounding...

Maybe it's because I've found
the diary from the time of
my unrequited love...
But now when I read those pages
filled with love
there's just a small uneasy laugh,
nothing more.

Now in this soft rhythm,
I'm writing in my heart,
To you, "lovin' you..."

Now without any hesitation
I'm staring at love
'cause I'm easily accustomed
to only you.

Tomorrow, nothing would be special
between both of them.
But it doesn't really matter
It just makes me smile...

Rather than the horoscope
in the fashion magazine
I'd rather believe
in those two's future's.
It's the time
a fondness transforms to love
And there's a hunch of...

Now I think my hair
which floats in the wind
so very beautiful.
I love myself who loves you...
lovin' you

Now with this unadorned thoughts,
I'd like to repeat the past
I'm in love with you only you

That's right,
I happened to meet you that day
with your strength, weakness,
and true laughter...

Now in this soft rhythm,
I'm writing in my heart,
To you, "lovin' you..."

Now without any hesitation
I'm staring at love
'cause I'm easily accustomed to only you.

Gundam Wing ¨Ï Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency 1995 - 2001
Copyright ¨Ï Jenny Ko 2001