Mind you, the information on these mobile suits are from various sites. The lists are all in 'Special Thanks to' page. Click one of the mobile suits you want to know about.

1) Gundams

TV Series
* Gundam Wing
* Gundam Wing ZERO
* Gundam Deathscythe
* Gundam Deathscythe HELL
* Gundam Heavyarms
* Gundam Sandrock
* Gundam Shenlong
* Gundam Altron
* Gundam Epyon

Endless Waltz
* Gundam Deathscythe HELL Custom
* Gundam Heavyarms Custom
* Gundam Nataku
* Gundam Sandrock Custom
* Gundam Wing ZERO Custom

2) Mobile Suits & Dolls

TV Series
* Mauganac
* Mercurius
* Tallgeese
* Tallgeese II
* Mobile Suit Aries
* Mobile Suit Cancer
* Mobile Suit Leo
* Mobile Suit Pisces
* Mobile Suit Taurus
* Mobile Suit Tragos
* Oliphant
* Vayeate
* Virgo Mobile Doll
* Virgo II Mobile Doll

Endless Waltz Suits
* Mobile Suit Serpent
* Tallgeese III

Gundam Wing ¨Ï Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency 1995 - 2001
Copyright ¨Ï Jenny Ko 2001