By LadyShadow
Ceria Bownell grabbed her jacket from its familiar peg on the wall. She didn’t want to be late for her meeting with her new boss. She stared at her reflection. She had dark brown hair and blue-green eyes. She smiled at her reflection. It was much better then the one she had had just a few months ago. The reflection was of a girl with honey-brown hair and blue eyes. The reflection was of Relena Peacecraft. She had given up being Relena a few months ago. Right after she discovered that she was unhappy about having such a boring life. It hadn’t been boring until Heero stopped coming to visit her. She didn’t want to live after Heero stopped coming.
A friend offered to get her a new identity and a new place to live. Relena took the offer and was brought to an L2 colony. She was transformed into Ceria Bownell. Ceria was a woman who was not a pacifist. She carried a gun with her wherever she went. She was not afraid to use it either.
She giggled then ran outside. She jogged to the cafe where she was to meet her new boss. She opened the door and walked up to the counter. The lady smiled.
“My name is Ceria, someone is here to meet me.”
“So your Ceria. It’s nice to meet you.” A familiar voice came from behind her.
She whirled around. It was Hilde Schbeiker.
“My name is Hilde Schbeiker. I guess I’m your new boss.” Hilde smiled and stuck out her hand. Ceria just stared at it.
“I don’t like shaking peoples hands.”
“Oh.” Hilde put her hand down.
“Well I guess we should get going huh?” Hilde said smiling and starting to the door. Ceria followed.
Hilde pushed some junk away from the top of her desk. She typed something real quickly then looked up at Ceria.“You’ll work in packaging and delivering. I’ll introduce you to your partner till you get the hang of your job.” Hilde walked to where a young man was standing.
“This is Duo Maxwell. Duo this is Ceria Bownell.”
Duo gave Ceria a big grin.
“Hi!” Duo said still grinning.
“Damn!” It was gonna be hard to keep her identity a secret with Duo working with her. She frowned.
“Hello.” Ceria said.
Duo winked at her and turned to Hilde.
“Okay Hild, now what do we have to do today?” Hilde smiled and went back to the computer.
“There are those packages in one of the garages that needs to be put in cargo for delivery. You can do that then get your selves to colony L2-4. That’s where they need to be delivered.” Hilde smiled.
“All righty then! Let’s go Ceria!” Duo turned and walked out. Ceria glared at Hilde.
“Why am I teamed up with this guy?” Ceria asked.
“Sorry, but he was the only one who wanted to do it. Besides I think you’ll like hanging with Duo.” Ceria turned and walked out.
“Ceria watch out!!” Duo yelled. Ceria turned. A man with a machine gun turned in her direction and started to fire. Ceria ducked and pulled out her own gun.“Hey! Buddy over here!” Duo yelled trying to distract the man with the gun. It worked and he turned and started firing the gun at Duo. The man had lousy aim. Ceria on the other hand did not.
She fired two shots. One hit the man in the hand causing him to drop his weapon. The other hit him in the leg preventing him from escaping. Duo turned and looked at Ceria.
“Nice shot.”
The police came quickly and arrested the man. Duo and Ceria were asked a few questions then allowed to leave.
“Now how did we get into that mess?” Duo asked climbing up into the driver’s seat of his truck. Ceria got into the passenger side.
“Wrong place at the wrong time. We should have delivered the packages to that place hours ago. We really have no business interfering with someone else’s problems.”
Duo started the truck and grimaced.
“You don’t care if someone gets killed?”
Ceria didn’t answer. Duo got aggravated.
“Ceria! Do you care if someone gets killed?” When she remanded silent Duo stopped the truck and turned to look at her. She was wrapping part of her arm up with a rag.
“Did you get hurt?”
“Only a minor wound. Nothing to worry about.” Duo snickered and started the truck again.
“You remind me so much of a friend of mine. He used to show so little emotion. He didn’t care if people got hurt or if even he got hurt. All he used to care about was his mission. His name is Heero.” Ceria turned to look at Duo.
“Yha, ever since the girl he loved disappeared he has been an emotional wreck. Poor guy, he blames himself for her disappearance. He says that if he had watched her more carefully then she’d still be with him. He never told her how much he loved her. The only reason he wants to live now is the possibility that she could come back.”
“I’m sorry I treated you poorly Duo. I was just taught not to trust anyone. I think I’d like to meet your friend sometime.” Ceria smiled slightly. Duo looked at her. Her personality had just changed dramatically. It felt strange to Duo. Yet, Duo liked it. He grinned and winked at her.
“Sure thing babe. Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to call you that. It just well popped out.” Duo laughed a bit. He had expected her to hit him or something. She didn’t. When Duo looked she was smiling.
“You can call me that if you want Duo.”
“Ceria, boy do you have a spilt personality.” Ceria’s smile disappeared.
“You prefer if I have only one? I mean if you do I can go back to being emotionless.” “No, no I like this personality!” Duo smiled nervously. Ceria giggled.
“I thought so.” She said.
“So Ceria, I was wondering..”
“Yes Duo?”
“When we get back home do you want to go get something to eat with me? I mean like at a cafe or something.”
“Duo Maxwell, are you asking me out on a date?” She put on a fake frown. Duo blushed and stared out at the road in front of him.
“Well if you want to consider it that well, yha.” Duo said still bright red.
“Sure.” She said.
Duo glanced at her.
She giggled.
“Yes, really. I think I’d like to get to know you a little better.”
“I would to.” Duo said grinning at winking at her.
“Now pay attention to the road before you get us killed.”
Duo turned back to the road.
Ceria smiled. “Duo is a nice guy. Maybe hanging out with him won’t be so bad after all.” She thought.
“I’m gonna make Hilde jealous! She likes Duo but has never told him. Now Duo’s asked me to go out to eat with him boy is Hilde not gonna like this!” she thought grinning.
“If Heero is waiting for me to come back to him he’s going to be waiting a long, long time.” She peeked over at Duo. Has long as she was Ceria she could do what she pleased. She could live a normal life.
Two months later
Heero gulped down his coffee and went back to reading his paper. He was working has a Preventer. It kept him busy long enough so that he didn’t worry about Relena. She’d been missing for almost three months now. Heero tried to put her behind him but she was always there. Always haunting him. It had been his fault that she left. He had stopped visiting her. Not only that but he had completely missed her birthday. He hadn’t even sent her anything. He just blew her off. He never knew how much she meant to him. Now that she was gone he couldn’t stop worrying about her. Suddenly the door to his office burst open. He looked up. Hilde stood in the doorway. Her face was tear stained and her eyes blood shot.“I’m sorry to bug you Heero but I couldn’t think of anyone else that would understand my feelings at the moment.” Heero got up and went over to his ailing friend.
“What’s the matter Hilde?” She started sobbing uncontrollably Heero reached his arms out and let her cry into his shirt. After a minute she looked up at Heero.
“Duo’s getting married to someone else, Heero.” Hilde said. Heero frowned.
“I’m sorry Hilde. I knew how much you liked him. I feel really bad.” Hilde rested her head on Heero.
“Sorry to bug you.”
“Don’t be. In fact if you want I’ll go will go with you to see Duo. Okay?” Heero smiled at his friend.
“You really don’t have to Heero.”
“Hey, what are friends for?” Heero looked at her.
“Thank you Heero. I really appreciate it.” Hilde smiled a bit.
A day later
Heero tossed his bag on his bed. He would be bunking here until he was sure Hilde could face living without Duo. Duo had moved out so he could live with his fiancee. He still worked at the scrap yard, but didn’t pay much attention to Hilde.Heero walked downstairs. Hilde was sorting through some papers.
“I’m gonna sort through some parts out in the yard.” He said heading for the door.
“Heero you really don’t”
“I’m bored. Besides I have to find some way to pay you for letting me stay with you.” Heero walked out into the yard. He spotted Duo shouting orders to some other guys. Heero put a hat on his head and pulled it down so it covered his eyes. Duo didn’t recognize Heero.
“Hey you there! There is some spare parts over there could you go get them?”
“Get them yourself.” Heero said snickering. Duo frowned and jumped down and landed in front of Heero.
“I asked you to go get those parts!”
“And I told you to go get them yourself!” Duo grimaced. Hilde came from behind Heero.
“Oh, hi Duo!” Hilde’s disposition surprised Duo.
“Hilde this guy won’t follow orders!”
“He doesn’t have to Duo. He doesn’t work here.”
“Then why is he here?”
“I came to visit Duo.” Heero removed his hat. Duo looked surprised for a minute then smiled.
“Oh! Heero!” Duo laughed and put a hand on Heero’s shoulder.
“Why didn’t you say it was you?”
“I wanted to see how much you changed Duo.”
“What do you mean?”
“You are getting married are you not?” Duo smiled.
“Yhep! And proud of it!”
“I’d like to meet her.” Heero said removing Duo’s hand from his shoulder.
“Okay!” Duo turned and ran toward a garage. He was there for a couple of minutes then came out dragging a woman with brown hair and blue-green eyes. She didn’t see Heero at all. Duo stopped in front of Heero.
“Ceria I’d like you to meet one of my best friends, Heero Yuy. Heero this is Ceria Bownell.”
Ceria froze at the name. She looked up into Heero’s eyes. His eyes were the same Prussian blue, and they had the same sparkle. Ceria stared at him.
Heero gasped. She had brown hair and different color eyes but she was still the same.
Ceria watched him silently say her name. Relena was what he mouthed out. Ceria turned and ran. Duo turned and ran after her. Hilde gazed at Heero.
“Heero what just happened?”
“That was Relena. That girl you call Ceria is Relena.” Hilde’s eyes widened.
“How do you know?”
“I can tell I look in her eyes and just know.”
“Will she tell Duo?”
“She’s gonna have to.”
“Ceria! What’s wrong?” Duo asked once he had caught up to her. She was crying. “Heero knows who I am. I’ve been discovered.”“What do you mean?” Ceria turned and looked at Duo in the eyes.
“Duo, my real name isn’t Ceria Bownell. It’s Relena Peacecraft.” Duo stared at Ceria in shock. Ceria wrapped her arms around Duo.
“I hope that this doesn’t change anything between us Duo. I hope you still want to marry me.” Ceria said. Duo pulled her off him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want any one to know Duo.”
“But Heero..”
“Heero stopped coming to see me and my world collapsed. I thought I had no purpose. Please don’t say you don’t want to marry me anymore.”
Duo moved a stray piece of hair out of Ceria’s face.
“Lena I love you. I would never do that.”
“My name is Ceria.”
“I know.” Duo smiled and winked at her. She smiled back.
Two years later
“Heero! We have to go! Ceria, Duo, Quatre, Dorothy, Millardo, and Lucrezia are waiting for us!” Hilde yelled at Heero. Heero looked up at his partner. She had her hands on her hips and was waiting by the door. He smiled, stood up and walked over to her.Hilde had given Duo the scrap yard and come to work has a Preventer with Heero. “Come on or we will be late!” Hilde grabbed Heero’s wrist and pulled him down the hall.
“Where in the world are those two!?” Duo complained. Ceria giggled and shifted the weight in her arms. Trio yawned and smiled at his mother.“I still can’t believe you named that poor child Trio.” Dorothy said frowning.
“Hey I wasn’t the one who named him.” Ceria said. Quatre smiled.
“I think it suits the child of Duo.” He said. Duo smiled and winked.
Zechs smiled and looked at his own son. Noin smiled at him.
“Sorry we’re late!” Hilde yelled still pulling Heero by the wrist.
Hilde stopped in front of Ceria.
“Oh what a cute baby! What’s his name?” Ceria smiled at Hilde.
“His name is Trio.” Hilde laughed.
“Figures!” She said smiling. Heero grinned.
“So when are you two getting married?” Dorothy asked Hilde and Heero. They both turned to look at her.
“When Heero gets the guts to propose!” Hilde said. Heero blushed. Everyone laughed.
“Maybe I’ll do that tonight.” Heero said smiling at Hilde.
“Why bother you already know her answer will be yes!” Duo said.
Hilde giggled.
“Well shall we go?” Quatre asked.
"Most certainly!” Hilde answered.
They walked into the park has the sun began to set. Hilde linked arms with Heero. Things were going her way.
The End
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