* Enjoy the Silence by Phoenixstar san. This one can be particularly enjoyed by people who like romance but dislike sap or angst or overemotional ones. G, complete, and a must-read for HYxRP fans.

Enjoy the Silence.

* Silence Falls like Rain by Phoenixstar san. Another of her HYxRP fic. From Relena's point of view. Peaceful, dreamy, and well-developed. Just read. G and complete.

Silence Falls like Rain

* What it's like Missing You by Phoenixstar san. Totally, totally great! I never read a sad one, but this one is a knock-down! Check this out, please!! PG and complete.

What it's like Missing You

Gundam Wing ¨Ï Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency 1995 - 2001
Copyright ¨Ï Jenny Ko 2001