Name: Doctor J
Origin: L1 colony cluster
Other info: Creator of Wing Gundam, and the one who trained Heero Yuy to a terrorist to avenge the real Heero Yuy.
Name: Professor G
Origin: L2 colony cluster
Other info: the constructor of Deathscythe Gundam.
Name: Doktor S
Origin: L3 colony cluster
Other info: Constructor of Gundam heavyarms.
Name: Instructor H
Origin: L4 colony cluster
Other info: Constructor of Gundam Sandrock.
Name: Master O
Origin: L5 Colony cluster
Other info: the constructor of Shenlong Gundam
Name: Howard
Organization: Peace Million
Other info: the one with the Hawaiian shirt... He is one of the Gundam developer. He helps many pilots including Duo and Zechs, and at the end becomes a major member of Peace Million.
Character Navigation Chart
Heero Yuy / Duo Maxwell / Trowa Barton / Quatre Raberba Winner / Wufei Chang / Zechs Merquise/Milliardo Peacecraft / Relena Darlian-Peacecraft / Lucrezia Noin / Hilde Schbeiker / Catherine Bloom / Dorothy Catalonia / Sally Po / Treize Khushrenada / Lady Une / Doctors / Mariemeia Barton-Khushrenada
Gundam Wing ¨Ï Bandai, Sunrise, Sotsu Agency 1995 - 2001
Copyright ¨Ï Jenny Ko 2001